Sunday, March 13, 2011

Project 365: Week 10

Sunday- The girls found my wedding veil and had to try it on!

Monday- Hubs on the phone with his mom. Hi mom!
Tuesday- Finally got our Girl Scout cookies. Wonder how long they will last?
Wednesday- Celebrating my birthday at work. One of my coworkers made a dirt cake- yummy!
Thursday- You can't really tell in this photo, but it's snowing pretty hard.
Friday- The snow from yesterday turned into black ice on the parking lot at work. I slid right off! Pete, our head of maintenance, had to come pull me out!
Saturday- My brother, nieces, and daughters taking a ride in my grandparent's new Gator. Good ole farm fun!    

1 comment:

  1. Love the veil pic. Wonder where the hat from my wedding is? Hmmm... I'm so glad we missed that last batch of snow since we were in NC. And I hope it WAS the last batch of snow!


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