Showing posts with label gratitudes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitudes. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thankful Thursday 10/11/12

As I mentioned a few days ago, reinstating my Thankful Thursday posts is one way I can work towards my goal of health, my One Little Word for this year.

I am thankful for our neighbors. It is so nice for my kids to have so many friends living next door, and the hubs and I have made new friends, too. We all end up hanging out or doing something together at least once a week!
I am thankful for my Kindle Fire. Seriously, I just love that thing. Everyone else in the house loves it too- I barely have a chance to use it these days!
I am thankful that my youngest daughter is discovering a love for Harry Potter! She's been an avid reader for quite a while now, but I think it's exciting that we'll get to have discussions about some of my favorite characters ever.
I am thankful that my husband was able to buy a new guitar. He's patiently waited for one for over a year, and I love listening to him play in the evenings.

I love the sense of fulfillment and gratitude this practice cultivates. Definitely good for my mental health!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday 9/15/11

Having trouble maintaining my "gratitude attitude" lately. A little Thankful Thursday should fix that!

I am thankful for my wonderful little brother, who took me to a doctor's appointment and a couple of stores this past Tuesday.

I am thankful for co-workers who are still sending support in the form of sweet notes and gift cards.

I am thankful we worked out a way for my girls to be able to participate in their chosen fall activities- Drama for Morgan and Dance for Vivian.

I am thankful for two whole days without vomiting this week! (It's the little things, people! This medicine I'm on is almost as bad as the disease!)

I am thankful for the opportunity to be a guest blogger for the American Autoimmune Related Disease Association tomorrow. I wrote about parenting while having a chronic illness. I'd love for you to come check it out!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday 7/14/11

My gratitude for the week, as well as a post inspired by Mama Kat! 

Plus, the purple (my fave color) envelope I used (recycled) held a very sweet pick-me-up card from my very sweet sister in law. I think I'll keep her!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday 3/31/11

Just a quick thought for today...being grateful for something I take for granted...

So I have not been at my best "thankful" self this week. Sick kids, doctors for them, doctors for me...what a way to spend Spring Break.

But what if I were among the millions of people without health insurance? Would I hesitate to take my sick children to the doctor? Not be able to afford the medications that keep my Relapsing Polychondritis at bay?

So I'm taking a moment to give thanks for our family's health insurance, and my job that provides it.

What do you take for granted?

You can link up with The Bug!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday 3/17/11

My gratitudes this week seem pale in comparison to those of the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. My thoughts have been with that country constantly, and especially with my friend Takako, who did not hear from her family for two days. Thankfully, although their city was hit hard, her parents and brother are safe.

My thoughts have also been on my husband as he celebrated his birthday this week. I am now, and always will be, thankful that he survived his traumatic accident at work six months ago. Although his recovery has slowed and we are beginning to accept that he may never get back to “normal”, I still have a husband and my children still have a father. That is enough.

Take time today to recognize the gifts and blessings in your life!

You can find out more about Thankful Thursday here.
You can link up your own post here.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday 2/24/11

This week I am thankful for time...

Time with my scrappy friends

Time with my kids at the skating rink

Time out of the office at a conference 

Time with my grandparents for dinner

Share your gratitudes at Greg's General Store.

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday 2/17/11

Thankful Thursday

Some parts of this week have been pretty rotten.  I got passed over for a much-deserved promotion, one of my daughters is having some health concerns, and necessary car repairs were not in our budget, but had to be done anyway.

Life throws everyone obstacles, and sometimes it's tough to recognize the good things. It's then when it's most important to count blessings and put things back in perspective. So here goes my list...

  • The sun is shining and we have had a few days of very nice weather- a treat during February in Ohio

  • I am feeling the relief and freedom of donating a ton of stuff to the Lupus Foundation- my home is cleaner and the items are going to a cause close to my heart- my mom passed away from complications due to Lupus and RA

  • I got to spend some time with my three closest friends- a long lunch with girlfriends does wonders
  • My grandfather's inoperable tumor has shrunk- SHRUNK- to an almost negligible size, without treatment (that's a pretty big gratitude!)
  • So take a few minutes and come up with one or two things that you have to be thankful for- you'll be glad you did!
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday 2/3/11

Thankful Thursday

Click on the above link to share your gratitudes at Greg's General Store.

Lots of little things to be grateful for this week....

The beginning of The Joy of Love, a free one-month online photography class. It's not too late to sign up!

Work being canceled on Tuesday. We were covered in ice! I had a nice day to spend at home with my girls.

Scrapbooking with friends over the weekend. I got all of my Christmas 2010 photos into an album! I am using a slip-in style album to make the process easier.

"Pancake and bacon" Monday. Justin cooks, so I get a break, plus it's just yummy.

Spending time with my brother and nieces.

Relaxed schedule at work this week. Lately I have been insanely busy, so a break in the action is nice.

Feeling caught up on laundry and other chores. The family chore chart certainly is helping!

I challenge you this week to find one thing to be thankful for each day...guaranteed to change your attitude and perspective!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday 1/20/11

Thankful Thursday

"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have." ~from Living With Less so Your Family Has More (2010) by Jill & Mark Savage
Contentment seems to be a rare thing in today's society. Advertisements and peer pressure urge us to want and buy all manner of gadgets, toys, and other unnecessary things. In reality, we all probably have too much. This week at my house we have focused on de-cluttering. Donating seldom used clothes and toys. Throwing out broken pieces, stacks of hoarded school projects, and expired food.

I knew there was a lesson here. I said to my kids, “Look at all this stuff we're getting rid of. Look how much extra stuff we had that we didn't even need! And look at how many toys and clothes you still have left. A lot!”

To my surprise, they agreed with me. We discussed, not for the first time, about donating to those less fortunate than us. We talked about how lucky we are to have a house, enough food to eat, and warm clothes. We talked about being happy with what we have, and not being upset when we don't get the newest Barbie, Zhu Zhu pet, or video game.

Privately, I reviewed my own spending habits. I, too, am swayed by commercials, “sales”, and emails from my favorite craft companies. I decided to remove my name from most of these automated lists. Less temptation, less spending. Less unnecessary stuff.

This week I am thankful for the opportunity to teach my children about contentment, and to practice it myself.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What If? Or... You and Me Together...Or....The Day of the Accident

September 8, 2010. 

I was eating lunch with some coworkers when my cell phone rang. Justin's work number popped up, but we were having a lively conversation so I hit “ignore”. I knew he was just calling to say hi, so no big deal. The phone rang again almost immediately. Hmm. I answered.

“Bekah? This is Chris. There's been an accident.”
“What happened?”
“A tote fell on Justin. He's responsive and we didn't see any blood.”

At this point it is not registering in my mind that a full tote weighs almost two tons. I am thinking that Justin maybe got hurt a little but is going to keep working, like some stupid manly man.

“He needs to go to the hospital!”
“He's in an ambulance right now.”

Ambulance? Shit. This is serious.

“Where are they taking him?”
“Miami Valley.”

Double shit. They only take people who are really hurt there.

“I'm on my way.” Click.

My coworkers ask if they can do anything. One later told me that she has never literally seen someone's face turn white until she saw me during that phone call. I run up the stairs calling to my office mate, “I need directions to Miami Valley Hospital! Justin. Hurt. Leaving now.”

The drive to the hospital is at once a blur and also exceedingly clear. First call is to my dad. I need to take care of logistics, since I won't be able to pick up the girls from the babysitter. He calls my grandma and reports back- It's taken care of, don't worry about it. Second call is to the sitter, to let her know what's going on. She kinda freaks out on me, and immediately puts a prayer request out on Facebook. The story is already on the internet.

The rest of my frantic drive is filled with two opposing thoughts: the memory of the first moment I saw Justin, and a desperate prayer. “Please God, let him be paralyzed. Just not dead. Just not dead.”

I arrive at the Emergency department and Ralph, Justin's supervisor, is waiting. I can't see Justin yet, he is getting a CAT scan. I question Ralph over and over. “Are you SURE he was breathing? Could he have stopped breathing on the way up here? Are you SURE he was talking?” A nurse comes out to talk to me. She assures me Justin is alive, but that's all the information she has. Do I want to speak to a member of the clergy? NO. I want to speak to my husband!

My cell phone rings. It is a doctor. He says he is with Justin, who has been asking to talk to me. Then I hear him. He is talking. Breathing. Alive.

What seems like hours later, I am led back to the room where they have been working on him. I see him on a stretcher. I see his shirt on the floor, ripped to shreds. I hold his hand. “I'm here,” I tell him. Tears run down his face. I have never in my life seen someone in so much pain. How can he bear it? No choice. I encourage him to be still, to take deep breaths, to squeeze my hand.

Various doctors and nurses are in and out of the room. The news. He has broken his pelvis in three places, but we don't operate on that. He has broken part of his spine, but there is no damage to the spinal cord. We don't operate on that.

A nurse brings up the news story on the internet. Surreal.

I make phone call after phone call.

He is finally admitted to a room. They tell me I cannot stay. So I go home. More phone calls. Very little sleep.

I have few clear memories of the next few days. Just many trips back and forth to the hospital, which is over 30 miles away. I DO remember being told, “He should be dead, if not paralyzed.” He is not. He will recover, at least enough to walk again. My heart is full, near bursting, with gratitude and wonder. I do not cry until almost two full days after the accident.

Three months later:
I am still amazed. I was not meant to be a widow at age 34. I still have a husband, my children still have a father. His recovery has slowed, and it worries us both. He walks with a limp and a cane. There is still some pain. What if this is as good as it gets?

A friend told me, “I have not once heard you ask 'Why me'. So many people would.” I shrug. If anything, it has brought us closer together. If there was ever any question in my mind (and there wasn't), I have been shown in no uncertain terms that I love this man, I need him, I do not want to live without him.

The “what if” has been very powerful to me, more so than what actually happened. The little irritations of married life fall by the wayside. They are unimportant. I wake every day with a grateful heart. My belief in some version of God has been renewed and strengthened. My marriage and the knowledge that we can do anything has been renewed and strengthened.

Justin has asked me more than once what I want for Christmas this year. I already have it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Miracle Man

Okay, I have had a really good reason for not blogging regularly the past couple of weeks. On September 8th my husband was seriously injured in an accident at work. It was the most terrifying day of my life. Getting the call, rushing to the hospital, not knowing if he was dead, paralyzed, or brain damaged... I simply cannot describe the horror of this kind of unknown.

I also struggle with describing the feeling of knowing that he will be okay. That despite being crushed by a 3800 lb. barrel of ink, he is relatively unscathed. That despite three fractures to his pelvis and breaking a vertebrae, he will walk normally someday. No internal injuries to speak of. No head trauma. Moderate bruising and swelling. We were told he should be dead. He's not.

We have a long road ahead- therapy, medication, and doctor appointments. But my Miracle Man can do it!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Happy Book Project

I have been lurking around Jamie Ridler Studios for a while now, and let me tell you, this lady is full of inspiration! I have joined up with her book club, The Next Chapter, and we are currently experiencing The Happy Book. I am coming in on the middle of the project, so from what I understand, we are going to take a page a week and use that to inspire us. The assignment for this coming week is to choose a personal mascot and take pictures of it everywhere we travel. Sounds like silly fun! I have already chosen my mascot (you'll have to wait to see!) and am thinking up creative photo ops.

For today, I will share what has been making me happy and joyful this week...our beautiful weather! After weeks of outrageous heat and humidity, we are finally blessed with blue skies and comfortable temperatures. I have loved sitting on my front porch in the evenings, watching people walk by and chatting with the hubs. I have slept better and had more energy. A trip to the park did not seem like torture. I am getting little sparks of excitement just thinking that fall really is around the corner! I hope things have been pleasant where you are!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Best Things About a Rainy Day

Rainy weekends usually leave me bored, restless, and a little depressed. I decided to take inventory about the good things instead...

  • great napping weather
  • board games
  • time to clean without feeling like I'm missing out on something
  • my air conditioner doesn't start panting by 10am
  • crafts
  • movies with the kids
  • I feel justified in putting off errands
  • I don't have to water my flower beds
  • my umbrella is cute
  • we can stay in pj's all day
What do you like about rainy days?