Sunday, September 25, 2011

Project 365: Week 38

Sunday- Morgan having a tea party after dinner at my grandparents'.

Monday- The girls couldn't wait to start decorating. These cute little guys hang out in the bathroom.

Tuesday- The dreaded task of switching the seasonal clothes.

Wednesday- The girls' favorite! Not mine- he dances and sings (loudly).

Thursday- Ready for the school skating party!

Friday- Had enough energy today to make a mess at my craft table!

Saturday- Morning cartoon zoning!


  1. Don't you just hate the whole cleaning out clothes that won't fit next year, routine? I still have to do Will's drawers and closet. He is my hoarder, so it is always so much fun trying to convince him why he should NOT save his favorite T-shirt for one more year, that he got in first grade (he's in fifth now). Good times....

  2. I love that first picture because it could have been me back in the day - we had that same paneling in our living room.


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