Saturday, December 29, 2012

One Little Word for 2013

This year's word snuck up on me. I wasn't expecting it. It took a while for me to recognize it, to acknowledge it, to accept it. It sounds so....not me. And then I thought, "maybe that's the point". The One Little Word that has chosen me for 2013 is ACTION.

Here's the post that really got me thinking this word was choosing me.

I still need to spend some time with this word to discover what it really means to me. Maybe that process will take all year. I don't know. So far, I know it means moving my body and exercising (a continuation of HEALTH, my OLW for 2012).  I know it means finishing some projects around the house. It means doing more than watching TV in the evenings. It means following through with some expectations for my kids (think chore chart, from 2011's OLW- CALM).

...see how these words never really go away, how they complement and bolster each other? I just love that.

I can't wait to find out what else ACTION will come to mean to me this coming year.
Do you have a guiding word or make resolutions for the New Year? I'd love the hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. Action has been milling around my head too. I've been thinking about taking a cyber break in January just to kick start a new lifestyle that doesn't involve vegetating all evening.


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