Monday, March 15, 2010

Project 365: Days 66-72

Here's a peek at my life from the past week!

Day 66- Weight Watchers books. It's time to get back on the points!

Day 67- New scale, to help on my weight loss journey.

Day 68- Today was my birthday, and my husband brought home these gorgeous roses!

Day 69- Card I made for my design team work for Lindsay's Stamp Stuff.
 See this post for details.

Day 70- Piles of mail and school papers I still haven't touched.

Day 71- Dinner at my grandma's, aka Mamo.
This picture is of her and my youngest niece, Sarah.

Day 72- Rain, rain, go away! My kids are dying to go play in the backyard!

Thanks for visiting this week!
By the way, Weight Watchers is working! After the first week I lost 5.6 lbs. A drop in the bucket, really, but progress is good!


  1. Way to go on the weight loss! Keep it up, awesome lady!

  2. Congratis girl!

    WW is great - I love it! I just wish I could stick with it longer! =)))

    Stay on the ball girl!!!

  3. Good job on WW! I am currently not really doing anything to help in that area. Sigh.

  4. Gorgeous roses! I love the colors!

  5. Stopping by from SITS. Happy belated birthday, and congratulations on the pounds lost!


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