Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sundays in My City: Mimi's Cafe

It's been SUCH a long time since I've joined this meme, but it's one I truly enjoy. Check out the Unknown Mami for deets and a list of all players this week.

Ok, so Mimi's isn't really in my city, but it's close. Thursday I was stuck at the car dealership getting my car worked on and needed a ride home. I called one my best friends, Jeni, and she came right over to pick me up. Not only that, she took me out to lunch! Mimi's is a cute little French-inspired bistro kinda place. Great food and atmosphere. Great company. Beautiful day.

Thanks, Jeni  and Jamie!


  1. YUM! That is where I always eat lunch when me and my friend Tari make our bi monthly trek to Archiver's! LOVE it! Did you have a muffin? They are to die for!

  2. I was "good" and stayed away from the muffins, but it was hard! I had a chibatta sandwich with fries, instead. So much for being good!

  3. Mimi's Cafe is so wonderful! I went there once while in california and loved it.

  4. Mmmm if only I lived close by and wasn't on a diet I would be there! With a muffin in each hand! Lol. Thanks for sharing x

  5. I'm a Mimi's fan too. Their muffins are to die for :-)
    Happy SMIC! Glad to see you back,

  6. They have the best muffins! I have one right down the street from work!


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