1. Tell me something about your favorite teacher.
Mrs. Smith was my senior English teacher. She introduced me to my all-time favorite author (John Irving), played Simon & Garfunkel in the classroom, and encouraged me as a writer and critical thinker.
2. Tell me about one pivotal moment in your life.
In January 2000 I was diagnosed with Relapsing Polychondritis, a rare autoimmune disease. The actual diagnosis was a blessing, since it led us towards treatment. I am not a super-religious person, but I do thank God for sending Dr. Avis Ware into my life. She recognized my symptoms, which had been worsening for months. I truly believe she saved my life.
3. About favorite colors--a lot of people will ask you what it is, but I want to know why it is. What feeling or memory does it evoke?
Purple, ever since I was a little girl. I think I always liked it because it was kinda like pink, girly and princess-y, but just a little funkier.
4. What's a sure sign that you're getting older?
Too many gray hairs, which I color regularly!
5. Please don't sermonize, but Halloween--is it a yes or no for you?
Yep! Just for fun!
6. What's your favorite musical?
I think it must be Godspell, although I like several.
My high school boyfriend’s school did this production, and I knew a lot of the actors and musicians. Very moving, the first and only time I have cried at a high school show!
7. Are you more of a city mouse or country mouse?
In my heart of hearts, country mouse. I grew up on a farm. However, I now live in a city, and can really appreciate a 24-hour pharmacy right down the street, especially when a little one wakes up in the middle of the night with a fever!
8. Did you know that it is possible, for a small fee, to name a real star after someone? (It's true! Google it!) If someone were to name a star for you, would you appreciate it for its whimsy and romance, or would you say, "Are you kidding me? For $19.95 we could have gone to the movie and actually bought popcorn."
Hmm, that might be kinda cool. Definitely something to talk about when you’re stumped for a conversation starter.
This question comes from Paula at His Ways Are Not Our Ways.9. What's the craziest thing you've ever been doing and texted during it? I only thought of this b/c I was about to try to text during my walking video but I didn't.
I can’t stand texting!
10. "It's not a party unless _______."
Four elements: good friends, good beer, good food, and good music! Any time, location, or reason (or no reason) will do!
11. When you're stuck in traffic or a waiting room, what do you do to pass the time? PS: There are no magazines available.
List blog ideas, list scrapbook ideas, make a grocery list (I’m a list person), balance my checkbook, listen to my MP3 player.
12. If you weren't yourself, would you be friends with you?
I think so. I gravitate towards crafty or creative people who like to read and have an interesting sense of humor. I like to think of myself like that!